
is The First CrossChain AI NFT Marketplace

dArtFlex token — DAF — is your chance to create your ART CLAN (DAO)
dArtFlex — is a new home for all NFT artists and collectors
DAF is like Uniswap token UNI* (see more below), but for NFT's! Be the first OWNER of this precious token!

Watch a short video
about DAF to know more

Watch a short video about DAF to know more


The NFT sector is thriving, 2021 can be marked as the year of NFT.
The top sales on the market go beyond all charts.
The more is yet to come...

The legendary CryptoPunks Alien punks hit more than
$7 million

CryptoPunk #7804
CryptoPunk #7804 was sold
for 4.2K ETH ~ $7.57M
CryptoPunk #3100
CryptoPunk #3100 was sold
for: 4.2K ETH ~ $7.58M

Back to 2006 when Jack Dorsey made his first tweet he couldn't predict that one day it will be sold for $2.9 Million

Jack Dorsey made his first tweet

Beeple became a sign of the golden start of the NFT
era selling his arts for $70 millions


$69,346,250 ~ $70 millions


In 2020 Larry Cermak posted in his Twitter

“If UNI ever goes to $11, which is not totally unreasonable, Paradigm's <$5 million investment could be worth more than a billion. I remember some people laughed at Paradigm for funding Uniswap in early 2019. Crazy”

Larry Cermak
Director of Research at TheBlock

As we know for today it’s far gone from the predicted $11.

DeFi and NFT are closely tied together.

NFT can be shortly described as an ownership stamp that is written in
the blockchain while DeFi is the financial tool operating along the blockchain.

Well known as Rarible, referred to as Decentralized exchange for
NFTs, Aavegotchi is another good example.

Global AI market is expected to reach $266.92 billion by 2027 and by 2030 to contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy

AI is also getting more and more involved in NFT.

Sophia the Robot Hong Kong-based Hanson Robotics humanoid collaborated with
@andreabonac_art to create her first NFT which was successfully sold for nearly 700,000$

Among Us Among Us


Introducing dArtFlex — a marketplace of the new reality.

We aim to bring together talents of creators and possibilities of AI to create an unique, non-fungible art.

Core features of the
platform include:

  • Choosing a blockchain where the NFT work will be sent after its creation. For example, ETHEREUM, FLOW, BSC, etc.
  • Free minting.
  • Low threshold of entry for artists

dArtFlex is The First CrossChain AI NFT Marketplace